Coxhoe Village Hall Bookshop regularly restocks

The Village Hall Book Shop always has something new to offer. A steady stream of generous donations means the New Additions book case is looking pretty full  – over 150…

Check out the photos of the Craft Fair

There was a great craft fair at the Village Hall on 22nd March 2015. Couldn’t get along? Why not check out the photos of the day in our photo gallery…

Free access to computers and the internet in The Reading Room

We now have two computers in the Reading room for community use. These are free to use for access to the internet. They are based in the reading room and…

Help needed for Coxhoe Scouts, Cubs and Beavers!

Coxhoe Scouts, Cubs and Beavers are in need of volunteers Could you inspire the next generation to a life without limits? We all have skills that are useful. Your contribution could…

Coxhoe Scouts, Cubs and Beavers

Coxhoe Scouts, the 17th Durham Group, cubs and beavers meet every week at the Village Hall Cubs meet between  6pm – 7.30pm on Mondays followed by Scouts between 7.30pm –…

Durham Constabulary Male Voice Choir

Durham Male Voice Choir meet and practice at the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings between 7pm and 9pm. Membership is open to ‘anyone of good character’ and the Choir is…

Coxhoe Well Baby Clinic

There is a drop in Well Baby Clinic in the Village Hall on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month between the hours of 2.00pm to 4pm. The clinic is…

Tea Dance

A popular Tea Dance is held every Tuesday between 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Come along for the best sequence dancing on an excellent sprung dance floor.  We have refreshments available.There are…

Banner Night – 10th July 2015

Coxhoe Banner Group will be holding their annual Pre-Gala Banner Music Night on Friday 10th July this year. The music evening featuring the North Skelton Brass Band will start at…

Village Hall Manager grant application submitted

The Village Hall Management Committee have submitted a grant application to the Coalfields Communities Trust to secure a grant to provide a part time manager to help run the Village…