Community Pantry
The Coxhoe and Area Community Pantry is a COVID Community Response Initiative.
A new community pantry opened its doors to residents in March 2021. The community pantry operates from our brilliant Village Hall for at least the next 18 months from 11th March. Opening times are:
9.30am to 11.00am on Mondays, and
5.00pm to 6.30pm on Thursdays.
How does it operate?
Coxhoe and Area Community Pantry targets those in Coxhoe and its surrounding villages.
It is open to anyone who may be facing tough financial times at the moment, for whatever reason. The service is confidential and does not discriminate or judge and everyone is treated with respect.
We aim to distribute food which would have otherwise gone to waste, although is still fresh to eat. Using food collected every week from our generous providers Fareshare and the Coop, we will prepare a weekly menu of items available (this will no doubt vary every week) and invite our customers to come along to Coxhoe Village Hall at the specified times and choose food from, which will help keep them energised and nourished. As our menu of foodstuffs will be ever changing customers will find out what is available on their visit. The system will operate whereby customers will be able to choose a specified number of items from each section of the menu to prepare a package of goods tailored to suit them.
All we ask in return is that, if the customer is able, then they make a cash donation, in order to help support our future sustainability. We understand that not everyone is able to do this. We also request that our customers respect our volunteers who are doing their best to deliver a fit for purpose service to help whoever we can.
Although people can attend at any time during the opening hours, coronavirus secure measures must be followed at all times. Volunteer drivers are also on hand to support residents with food deliveries, if they cannot access the Village Hall themselves.
East Durham Rural Corridor Area Action Partnership (AAP), has donated more than £11,000 to the Coxhoe and Area Community Pantry. In addition to this the project has received a £3,000 boost through the Neighbourhood Budgets of local County Councillors Stuart Dunn and Maura McKeon. Coxhoe Parish Council are also supporting the initiative by committing a significant amount of staff resources over the 18 month life of the Pantry. The Village Hall has also invested by providing a dedicated storeroom. The Community Pantry is also grateful to The Durham Sorting Office, Royal Mail, who very kindly donated food and whose staff had a collection and provided a monetary contribution.
We are also indebted to Sainsbury’s at Sedgefield who provide us with a twice weekly donation that we collect from their store. Thank you.

Karen Williams pictured with Jason Llewelyn receiving the Donation from the Durham Sorting Office, Royal Mail
Karen Williams, Coxhoe Village Hall’s manager, said: “Coxhoe and Area Community Pantry aspires to operate for the benefit of our community, offering a fit for purpose centre which sources and shares surplus affordable food with those currently experiencing food insecurities. It will also enable everyone involved to help our environment by reducing food wastage.
“We are delighted that the AAP has contributed funding, along with Cllrs Dunn and McKeon, Coxhoe Parish Council and Coxhoe Village Hall, to allow this project to come to fruition. We have all worked in partnership, alongside one of our volunteers, Sarah Heslop, to create this and help meet the needs of people in the local area.”
Karen added, “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who is giving their time to support this and their communities, proving that help will always be on hand.”
Would you like to help us?
The operation of the Community pantry is dependent on our group of volunteers who will assist in its effective and efficient operation. If you would like to help out in anyway or would like further information please contact the Village Hall by email at
Community Pantry on Facebook
- how it works;
- it’s progress;
- how and what to donate;
- how to get involved and volunteer
- how we are helping reduce food wastage; and,
- also what’s available via our weekly menus.
Find out more about the Community Pantry here.
Community Pantry Vision, Mission Statement and Values
We have set out the vision, mission statement and values of the community pantry as follows:
Everyone in Coxhoe and its surrounding area will have access to good food and by alleviating food wastage we will all help to protect the environment.
Working for the benefit of our community, we will work with partners and stakeholders to offer a fit for purpose volunteer operated food resource centre, sourcing and sharing surplus affordable food with those currently experiencing food insecurities, and enabling everyone involved to help our environment by supporting a reduction in food waste
Compassion in all interactions and activities – demonstrating inclusivity, commitment, respect, honesty, reliability and prudence
Appreciation of every contribution – whether from volunteers and their diverse talents, partners and their services, or donations offered – and actively listening, learning and responding to evolving needs to ensure our service is fit for purpose and sustainable
Accountability – we will be transparent and maintain the public trust through the efficient and effective use and stewardship of the resources entrusted to us, and we are mindful that our mission is accomplished through the generosity of others
Commitment – to providing a fit for purpose, ever evolving and sustainable service to meet the needs of our local community and effectively utilise community support to sustain our work
Protection of our environment wherever we can by helping prevent food wastage
Further information
Further details will appear here in due course as things develop. If you have any queries regarding the Community Pantry please contact us by email –
We are also accepting donations of food and toiletries which will be used to support the Foodbank parcels. If you would like to donate then our drop off times are:
Thursdays – 9.30 am to 12 noon
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